Study of Newly Diagnosed Children with ITP

Study of Newly Diagnosed Children with ITP

In order to help establish a valid criterion for future ITP research it was necessary to secure medical data about the disorder and the patients being treated in the UK. An initial study collated this information from newly diagnosed ITP children.

Dr. Bolton-Maggs spearheaded the project. She told The ITP Support Association, "To help direct ITP research it would be helpful to have more information about the natural course of the illness. Often the review of information thus held leads to ideas or questions for research to answer. At present we know that some people receive treatment and others are not felt to need it; it would be useful to understand why there is this variation, and whether the outcomes are different. If we are able to keep anonymous records about all people who develop the disease, whether in childhood or in adult life, we may learn more quickly about the disorder, and where then to concentrate research effort."

The establishment of such a register was supported by the British Society for Hæmatology, with the financial assistance of the ITP Support Association and Bio Products Laboratory (BPL).

The register was kept under the supervision of Dr. Paula Bolton-Maggs at Alder Hey Children's Hospital in Liverpool, where the 1995/6 National Audit of ITP in Children was carried out.

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