Leaflets and more ....

This page is from the old website, new links and a greater selection of ITP Information leaflets will be available to members in the next few weeks.

Thank you for being patient.

Downloads (UK only)

Free publications, on receipt of SAE, (UK members only) Download order form

Gift Aid Declaration form, (UK tax payers only) with optional Standing Order form

Download form

A leaflet about ITP and the Association
(for other hospital patients or for fundraising etc)

Download leaflet
School Information Pack Download order form
Emergency card application form Download order form

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Downloads for UK hospitals

The Association can supply ITP leaflets "Where to get help" that may be passed to patients or parents of children with ITP, If your patients/parents complete the tear off section and send it with an A5 envelope and two first class stamps, we will forward a free information pack, which includes "Know About ITP", the latest edition of The Platelet and other useful items.

Hospital Information Pack Download order form
International consensus on ITP Download
ITP Patient Leaflet Download leaflet
A4 poster available giving contact information Download poster
American Society of Hematology:-2011 Clinical Practice Guideline on the Evaluation and Management of Immune Thrombocytopenia (ITP) Download