New appointment at the Royal London

New appointment at the Royal London

Dr Tom Butler, Haematology Clinical Lead issued the following:

As you all know, Drew Provan retired at the end of August and we have been working hard to recruit a new consultant to take on the medical  leadership of our internationally renowned immunohaematology research and clinical centre.

I am really pleased to be able to announce that we have now appointed Dr Vickie McDonald to this role, she will formally start with us late July/early August but is already collaborating with us on various projects. She brings a wealth of clinical and research experience in immune platelet disorders. She has been a consultant at Guys & St Thomas’ NHS Trust for a number of years,

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Sponsorship opportunity

Sponsorship opportunity

Many of you have been using our new website, if you have yet to visit then go to

The launch of our new website also provides a fantastic opportunity; we are looking for people or companies to sponsor the new website. By becoming a sponsor you would see your name or company name and logo on the whole site or individual sections, depending on the level of sponsorship.

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Government announces plans to implement the UK Strategy for Rare Diseases with NHS England

Government announces plans to implement the UK Strategy for Rare Diseases with NHS England

Philip Dunne MP, Minister of State for Health has announced that NHS England will develop an implementation plan for the commitments outlined in the UK Strategy for Rare Diseases that it can influence by the end of the year. For those commitments that are outside of the scope of NHS England, the Department of Health will support its arm’s length bodies to coordinate plans for implementation.

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Birmingham Childrens Hospital rated outstanding

Birmingham Childrens Hospital rated outstanding

Birmingham Children's Hospital has become the first of its kind in the country to be rated outstanding by the health watchdog, The hospital which is also one of our ITP Clinical Centres tweeted: "We're proud to be the first children's hospital in the country to be rated 'outstanding' by @CareQualityComm. #ByYourSide".

You can read the CQC report here

Holidays and Flying

Holiday Arrangements Summary

Before you go:

  • Order the ITP Support Association's Holiday insurance and Travel Guide, which includes advice on insurance, flying, avoiding malaria, medicines and vaccinations, It also includes insurance companies recommended by our members.  
  • If you live in a European Union Country please remember to have your European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) with you. As part of the UK/EU Brexit Agreement announced on 24 December 2020, the UK and the EU agreed that the cards can still be used until their expiry dates. For further information visit
  • Discuss any required vaccinations with your doctor well in advance, bearing in mind that they are not effective within 3 months of certain drugs.
  • Order medication well in advance, ensuring you have enough to last the holiday. Inform your holiday insurance company about your ITP, or you may find you are not covered in the event of a claim (they may require a doctor’s letter).
  • Try to find out what ITP is called in the country you are going to, in case of an emergency. You may be able to obtain this from the country’s embassy.
  • Find out what the equivalent of 999 is in the country you are visiting.
  • Find out the locality of the doctor and hospital nearest to your accommodation.

Make copies of all important documents, such as passports, and leave the copies with a friend of relative. You may need the copy if your originals get stolen.

If you take prescribed medicine, take a copy of your prescription and doctor’s letter. 

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